Дистанційний урок для 10-Д класу. Culturestudy. 16.01.2021

Topic: Religious and cultural portrait of Great Britain

Task 1. Watch the video and mark sentences True or False:

1. the british food is a blending of four different rich cultures

2. Potato soup is the most popular British food.

3. The Sunday Roast with Yorkshire Pudding usually served on Saturday's afternoons

4. scotch eggs contain a mix eggs covered with sausage meat bread crumbs and fried

5. The typical English breakfast is light.

Task 2Read and find out 

Read the text below, and answer the questions: 

• What is the main religious faith in the UK? 

• Do many people practise their faith? 

• Which religious groups have their own schools? 

• Have people in the UK got a strong religious identity? 

• Why is there a new employment law for religious rights? 


      At Christmastime in the UK examples of celebrations are in the media, in most state schools and on every street corner. A foreign visitor might then come to the conclusion that people in the UK are very religious. Well, that depends on what you mena by religious. If you mean church going then this is not the case. 

Religious identity 

      The most recent census of the UK population in 2011 asked people to indicate their religion and 95% of people completed this information on the census form. The results showed that the dominant faith in the UK is Christianity with 59.3% of people saying they were Christians. But, only 6% attend church services regularly. Religious identity is not about practising religion. They celebrate Christmas or Easter in a commercial way, buy presents, take time off work or school but do not always celebrate with prayers and religious services. The UK is mainly a secular society. 

Religious education 

      Another fact which might confuse a visitor are the number of faith schools. Schools which are set up by religious groups are often very popular with parents and have a good reputation. There are many other religions in the UK. In some areas classes might have pupils who practise 5 or 6 different religions. Some of these religious groups set up their own state schools for their communities. 35% of Primary schools in England are faith schools of the Church of England, Catholic church, Jewish schools, Muslim schools or Sikh schools. There are 90 Islamic schools and many Muslims also attend local state schools. Some faith schools are over 50 years old. But some parents want to send their children to the special faith schools because they are good schools with good exam results, not because they are keen for their children to have a religious education. 

Respect for everyone's faith and beliefs 

Christians in the UK continue to have their important days, Sundays, Easter or Christmas. However, there are many non-Christians who do not observe a day of rest on Sunday and they too have their own religious celebrations. This week a very important new employment law comes into effect. This law recognises the equality of people's religion or belief. Perhaps a worker needs to take time off work for a special festival or needs to pray at work during the day. This law asks employers to respect these religious beliefs. If possible, employers must try to give all employees the chance to observe their religious festivals. The UK has got to be flexible and schools need to teach tolerance of other faiths .It is a multi racial society.

H/W. Answer the questions:

Here is a list of the main religions practised by people in the UK today: 

Christianity     Buddhism      Islam      Hinduism    Judaism    

• How much do you know about each one?

• Have you heard of them before? 

• Do people in your country practise any of these religions? Or any others?


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