Дистанційний урок для 10-Д класу. Business English. 20.02.2021

Topic: Types of Business Meetings

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6 Types of Business Meetings in Organization


      More often than not, you attend several meeting in a week. In other words, you probably sit through different types of business meetings. Workplace meetings are vital elements of company management. There are meetings where you make decisions, share information, and there are those where you brainstorm on something.

      Besides that, these frequent meetings in an organization are used to resolve disputes, solve problems, build teamwork, improve performance, and much more. Depending on the business organization, company meetings can be informal or formal and can range from two to up to several hundred. For companies that have a policy of collaboration, quite often, they incorporate customers, suppliers, and even business partners to their meetings.

      Largely, each type of organization meetings has its unique objective. To achieve those goals, you consider the difference in setting up and holding a specific meeting. This explains why you have to define the type of the meeting when planning for a meeting. While every meeting is distinctive, being aware of the 6 most common types of business meetings in organization will help you better identify the objectives, structure, and the activities best suitable for your meetings.


1. Project meetings

      Many companies are structured to have different departments each assigned a particular task, such as developing a new product or carrying out the business reorganization. Quite often, the management of the organization arranges for meetings that bring together departmental project managers. This kind of sitting is called project meeting, and it takes several forms, which include brainstorming sessions, design meetings, planning and progress session, review meeting, and so on.

2. Status update meetings

      Status update meetings are indeed one of the most common business meeting types. Most companies have update meetings after a stipulated period, for instance, on a weekly or monthly basis. As the name implies, the main goal of this type of assembly is to provide employees update on the company’s challenges and progress.


3. Collaborative meetings

      As stated in the introduction section, some companies have a policy of collaboration, which requires them to hold regular meetings with their business partners, suppliers, and clients. There are several forms of this session, which include annual general meeting, extraordinary general meeting, board meeting, committee meeting, creditors meeting, statutory meeting, and much more. The objective of these meeting is to discuss matters such as supply chain improvements, project expansion, new market ventures, and so on.

      Collaborative meetings help strengthen business relationship with external groups and give the company a better sense of customer focus. Unlike other types of business meeting where those present are in most cases in the same room, collaborative meetings always involve external groups often in different locations. It can be difficult and even costly to ask someone located hundreds of thousands of miles away from your company’s position to attend a business meeting physically. Fortunately, these days, collaborative meetings can be held anytime anywhere thanks to virtual communication solutions like ezTalks Cloud Meeting.


4. Emergency meetings

      A meeting of urgency is convinced if the company is experiencing a serious problem. For instance, if a significant financial loss has occurred, it is important to inform all the employees so that they understand the changes and implications that will occur as a result of the emergency. Many other emergencies that can arise in a business organization that can lead to workers temporarily stopped or complete closure. By effectively communicating these challenges in the meeting, managers will be in a better position to reduce the feeling of uncertainty among employees and avoid the risk of anecdotes spreading all over.

5. Decision-making meetings

      Decision-making meetings are other common types of meetings in a company where those invited make the vast majority of business decisions. While small decisions are often made in all kinds of organizations meetings, the decisions considered more important get their dedicated meetings. All those involved in the sitting should be much aware of what they are going to discuss (information) to make sure the decision they have reached on the meeting is worthwhile. Therefore, the facilitator of such meeting should define the problem and give participants enough time to process before the meeting starts.

6. Motivational meetings

      Motivational meetings (sometimes referred to as team building sessions) are specifically designed to gain commitment from a group or team of workers around a change effort. Such meetings are held to uplift the energy and the will of the participants to meet a particular target. They also play a critical role in strengthening the relationship between the company managers and employees besides promoting corporate culture. As a facilitator of a motivational meeting, you must appeal to them both emotionally and logically. In such a meeting, the dialogue is critical, and people should feel that they have been heard before they are willing to accept and even implement what the company is up to.


      The list of different types of business meetings and their purpose is just endless, and the above explained are just but a few. While different business meeting types have different goals and objectives, certain aspects combine them. Meetings represent an enormous value to both employees and companies. Of essence, as a facilitator, you are required to accordingly plan so that you hold meetings according to the organization’s needs.

1. What do you do at the meeting?

2. Company meetings can be formal and informal, can't they?

3. What is project meeting?

4. What is update meeting?

5. What types of meeting do you know? 


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