School of Tomorrow. Word Building. 10D, 11D. 18.03.2022 Topic: The role of prefixes and suffixes Study the theory block and do the task: Grammaticalization is not only something that creates a word, it is also what creates most prefixes and suffixes. How could someone not knowing any language, figure out what that first language was going to be? Prefixes and Suffixes If someone doesn’t know anything about English, French, or Spanish, and tries to figure out how the first language would be, would they stick endings on “I speak”? How likely is it that they would say, “I speak” and then stick something at the end? “Yo hablo,” “Tú hablas,” “You speak.” English speakers are used to dealing with that when learning other languages. Endings in a language start out as free-swimming words, kludging on to another word and wearing away. They’re like the male anglerfish, becoming just a bump in the end. Latin Words Dealing with Latin, which has got endings, for example, amo, amas, amat: I love, you...